Waste Control Specialists, LLC
Environmental & Ecological Products & Services
About Us
Waste Control Specialists offers comprehensive solutions for the treatment, storage and disposal of Class A, B and C low-level radioactive wastes (LLRW), as well as low activity waste, hazardous waste, and byproduct materials. Our co-located treatment, storage, and disposal facilities, coupled with our Type A and B cask and transportation services and rail-served site, offer our customers the most comprehensive and complete radioactive waste management services in the nation. WCS is the only commercial facility in the United States licensed to dispose of Class A, B and C LLRW.
WCS is proud to be located in Andrews County, Texas. We currently employ more than 100 people at our facility. With a friendly, team-focused atmosphere, a track record of dedication to workplace safety, and a competitive benefits package, WCS has assembled a remarkable group of highly skilled individuals. We are always looking to add to our growing team of employees.
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